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Posting rules
To help make the buying and selling experience enjoyable for everyone on Boatzon, please follow these guidelines when posting items.
Allow buyers to have a good viewing experience for the items you’re selling, please:
- Always include an image of the item. Posts with no image, including those with a photo containing only text, aren't allowed.
- Include high-quality, well-lit photos.
- Keep photo clean by not adding extra stickers or text.
- Post an image of the actual item, not a catalog or stock photo.
- Use your own photos. Don't use photos that infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
Duplicate posts
Multiple posts showing identical items from the same seller can be confusing to buyers, and difficult to manage for sellers. Even if you have more than one of the same item, please list one at a time. Don't post the same item in more than one listing or in multiple categories.
Posting location
Please list an accurate geographic area so your local buyers can arrange to meet you for pickup. If you want to sell something outside your area, list it for selling and shipping nationwide.
Titles, descriptions, & prices
Titles and descriptions should give buyers a clear, honest, and accurate description so they can tell if the item is what they're looking for. Some things to avoid:
- Don't add keywords or price points intended to manipulate search results.
- Don't link to websites or post URLs.
- Don't provide personal information, such as a phone number or email address.
- Don't solicit risky payment methods such as Western Union or Moneygram.
Messaging & communication
Boatzon messaging lets you communicate with others without sharing personal information or leaving the app. Remember, use of in-app messaging to circumvent prohibited items or posting rules isn't allowed.
Prohibited items
Most items are allowed on Boatzon, but there are a few types of items that aren’t permitted. Some may present legal issues or be dangerous, while others may be offensive or not in line with the spirit of our community. Read the Prohibited Items Guidelines for details.
Fee avoidance
Sometimes fees may be incurred when posting certain kinds of items or making cashless transactions. Any action by a seller to avoid paying a fee is strictly prohibited. It's important to remember that if you don't pay these fees, whether intentionally or by mistake, your listings may be removed.
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